San Miguel Tarraco Arena

Tailor-made eventsSan Miguel Tarraco Arena Formats
Formats Events Barcelona Tarragona

San Miguel Tarraco Arena Formats

The variety of formats of San Miguel Tarraco Arena is very wide and versatile. We can adapt to any format proposed by our customers always to improve the comfort of the audience.


Who said that we are a venue for big events formats only? The images of the gala of La Nit del Turisme or the presentation of the Seat Tarraco that you can visit on our Flickr show it. We like to work in dual formats, taking advantage of all areas to surprise at every moment.

We can divide the central square into different portions or use the second gallery as a diaphanous and differential space. The use of interior corridors for fairs and exhibitions is also possible.


Do you propose to make a dinner for 300 people or for 3,000 people? At San Miguel Tarraco Arena is possible.

You can view our formats here.


Or ask for more information at

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