San Miguel Tarraco Arena

ConcertsSecure concert format for a capacity of 2,000 people
Event concert Barcelona Tarragona

Secure concert format for a capacity of 2,000 people

At San Miguel Tarraco Arena we are once again in action presenting a new format that will revolutionize the continuity of on-site events. This time it is the turn of concerts and big shows.

For now, the real needs in terms of safety and disinfection in the live music sector are unknown. It remains to be seen what regulations we will have to comply with, both for the promoters of festivals and concerts and for the venues that host this type of activities. There are many unknowns to be resolved and we do not know under what conditions we will be allowed to resume our cultural activity, what capacity will be allowed, what will be the format of the space, the distance between people or on the m2 where we can work.

What we do know is that we are looking forward to continue offering quality content, as we have been doing so far in San Miguel Taraco Arena. Now is the time to work to ensure the maximum comfort, safety and the correct measures of physical distance between people for when all this is over and the show starts again.


Would you like to relive a live concert again?

Monday afternoon, you find out on social networks that next Saturday your girl's favorite artist is performing at San Miguel Tarraco Arena. She has not yet bought the tickets, so you go ahead and with your cell phone you access In just 40 seconds you already have your 2 tickets in your email. You find out that, since a few weeks ago, in San Miguel Tarraco Arena, you can already split the purchase of your advance tickets and pay them in easy installments. You write it down for the next one, so you will buy the tickets before.

When you check your tickets, you see that they are not normal tickets, something has changed - it's a virtual assistant!

When you press the screen, the wizard opens and explains what your experience will be like on the day of the concert,

< Hola Juan, voy a ser tu asistente hasta que finalice el concierto del sábado > 


To your surprise, you click on the area indicated as "access to the enclosure" ... 

< Hola Juan, tu puerta de acceso el día del concierto será la 5 y puedes acceder a partir de las 20h> 


Even more surprised when you click on "your assigned zone" ... 

< Hola Juan, tu localización será en la Zona 2, te indico como llegar? > 


Obviously you press YES 

< Juan , este es el recorrido que tendrás que hacer para llegar a la zona 2 desde la puerta 5 > 


Incredible! It opens a map with the route you have to do to get to Zone 2 and all the details such as the location of the disinfection points in the enclosure, location of the toilets, where the machines are located to buy EPIS, bar service that are now vending machines for food and all kinds of drinks. What a blast!


It sounds like an episode of the Black Mirrow series, doesn't it? Well, we are in a transitional period and as you have seen, any reality exceeds fiction.


In San Miguel Tarraco Arena we take a step forward presenting the new concert format for a capacity of 2,000 people divided into different areas with controlled capacity. This solution is already a reality in our space and a new way to continue living the best live experiences. You will jump and sing again in front of your favorite artist.

The contraindications of this format are subscribed according to the responsibility of the persons. Maintaining a strict respect in distancing oneself from one's fellow zone members will depend on each individual. For this, we need a task of involvement and knowledge of the reality on the part of all.



For more information you can contact us at

We will be happy to assist you.

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